a picture of a real-life toilet on a white-and-gray checkered background
text reading 'SKIBIDI WEBRING.' it is on fire.


wait, what's a webring?

according to the good ol' wiki, "A webring (or web ring) is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme, often educational or social. They were popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, particularly among amateur websites." so there you have it. just a bunch of websites linking to each other for funsies!

why should i join?

skibidi bop bop bop. join if you want. i've spent too long on this joke to go back now...


  1. a website where you can edit the all the html: no spacehey, no carrd, no straw.page even if you have paid
  2. your website must be handcoded! no ai. this is also why carrd and straw.page aren't allowed; they're drag-and-drop builders and you didn't structure the code yourself
  3. no nsfw or bigoted content. i'm a minor so any websites with nsfw directly on them will not be accepted, sorry!


  1. paste this into the head tags on the page you want to display the widget on.
  2. paste this into a place easy-to-find on your website
  3. email me at starredhalo at proton dot me (if i type it out fully i might get spam [not good]) using this form:
  4. Name:
    Where'd you find out about us? (optional):
    Favorite 3-letter word? (optional):
  5. wait 3-5 business days a little while
  6. when i get back to you, you're either in or out! if you're out i'll tell you why, and if you're in, yippee! welcome to the skibidi webring!


like this webring? give us a link back!


the javascript that made this whole thing possible :D

man these things freak me out


ringlink mentioned